HellBlaze Family Crest

The HellBlaze Family

Creator: Dragon131
Owner: Dragon131

Members: 13

HellBlaze Hellhounds are very strong in fire magic, even for Hellhounds. They seem to to radiate heat; the air becomes dry and hot, people start to sweat, plants begin to shrivel up, and water starts to steam. Sometimes plants even burst into flame when a Hellhound gets to close to one. However, they have fiery tempers to match their powers with fire. They anger very easily, lashing out at even small annoyances. But despite their tempers, they are extremely loyal to their family members and owner. They will do anything to protect who they care about, and some have even sacrificed their lives to do so.

Crest by Rosehill


1st Generation (2)

2nd Generation (3)

3rd Generation (3)

4th Generation (1)

5th Generation (2)