from the Hot Sauce Family Crest

The from the Hot Sauce Family

Creator: freakazoid
Owner: freakazoid

Members: 11

The Hot Sauce family can be summed up in one simple word: firey.
This family devours so much hot sauce in a day that they can't help but to get rid of it by breathing fire. Essential to their species, these Anaguis love firey things - such as lava, magma, and hot sauce. They REQUIRE a DAILY dose of 66 jalapenos, 79 chili peppers, 38 habanero chili peppers, and at least 100 sips of tobasco sauce with every meal. It almost seems unhealthy, but they still manage to maintain a healthy weight even though they eat so much junk food. This is too intense for some Magis, so they end up freezing them as a hatchling or egg so that they are a little easier to tend to.
Just one thing to remember when handling a Hot Sauce Anagui - don't stand in front of it after it eats!

Just don't release/inbreed/freeze any, please.


1st Generation (7)

2nd Generation (2)