the Palace Guard Family Crest

The the Palace Guard Family

Creator: Shadowhunter
Owner: DarrkestDrow

Members: 10

In ancient times these creatures were the royal protectors of rulers and their families. A thousand years ago they were banished by a mad king. After several hundred years they came together once again to fearlessly and loyaly serve those they believed were deserving. Palace Guards live for thousands of years and no longer give out their loyalty lightly. In fact they are more wary of rulers and are less likely to swear allegiance to them. If a Palace Guard wishes to become a protector to some one they must first gain approval from Ying and Yang, the balance of their order. Treat your Palace guard well and they will serve you and your descendants for many generations.

1)No Inbreeding
2)Do not freeze eggs
3)Name them something lasting
4)Do not name them the same thing. It must be a different name or have a roman numeral after it. (Example: Ming, Ming IV, Ming XV)

Family rules

No egg freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (2)

3rd Generation (2)