Kalevala Family Crest

The Kalevala Family

Creator: Rosehill
Owner: Rosehill

Members: 27

Väinämöinen, old and steadfast,
Answered in the words which follow:
"Yet a harp might be constructed
Even of the bones of fishes,
If there were a skilful workman,
Who could from the bones construct it."
As no craftsman there was present,
And there was no skilful workman
Who could make a harp of fishbones,
Väinämöinen, old and steadfast,
Then began the harp to fashion,
And himself the work accomplished.

-Try to name your Kalevala. Naming scheme preferably from Finnish national epic Kalevala or Finnish mythology
-Only mate with other Ocean Leviathans
-Please do not release your Kalevala. If you do not want it, send it back to Rosehill or to Master Belmos

Request free offspring here: http://magistream.com/37-family-center/65391-rosehill-lineage-lair.html
Crest by me, request your own here: http://magistream.com/27-hall-arts/92201-rosehill-graphics-galore.html


1st Generation (14)

2nd Generation (4)

3rd Generation (5)

4th Generation (2)