Borne of Rapture Family Crest

The Borne of Rapture Family

Creator: Borgia
Owner: Borgia

Members: 14

The ADAM addiction was what ultimately ended Rapture. ADAM was a substance, harvested from a sea slug, that had amazing healing properties. Aside from being able to heal, it gave the ability to do amazing feats. It acted like a benign forme of cancer; destroying and replacing native cells in the body. Cosmetic and mental damaged followed abuse.

Out of necessity for ADAM, young girls were genetically altered and mentally conditioned for a special task. They were to harvest ADAM from corpses that lay around Rapture. They were known as 'Little Sisters'. Little Sisters were brainwashed to see the decaying city of Rapture much differently than the normal inhabitants. They were despised by ADAM-addicts, and accompanied with a 'Big Daddy' or 'Big Sister' at all times to keep them safe.

1. Do not sell creatures of his lineage.
2. This lineage can only be bred into the 'of Rapture' lineage. No other lineages can be brought into it.
3. No inbreeding/releasing/freezing.

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing


1st Generation (8)

2nd Generation (4)