Steed Family Crest

The Steed Family

Creator: PKGriffin
Owner: PKGriffin

Members: 17

These horses inhabit the plane of nightmares, terrorizing those who see them with perpetual and unreasonable fear. Though they never harm humans (or any human-like being), the Steeds are a symbol of fear and darkness, as is the case with their other dark brethren. But in spite of this, the Steed Noctis Enoxes are among the gentlest in the Keep. Shy by nature, a stark contradiction to their reputation, Steeds are more than happy to express their strength by carrying people and heavy loads. Adept in flight and able to transport goods over long distances, Steeds are invaluable to traders and messengers alike. They are also unfathomably loyal to their owner.


1st Generation (8)

2nd Generation (5)

3rd Generation (2)