Oltain Family Crest

The Oltain Family

Creator: Tree
Owner: horses101

Members: 3

Rij Oltain had come from the mountains, flying high above the clouds. She was an Air magi, the strongest of her time and one of the eight magi who built the Keep within which so many now find shelter and learning. The creatures of the air flocked to her, from the mighty gryphon to the fairest of Puvia's and she loved them all. Her heart though was captured by the fierce Roc's and so she became the first to tame them.

This is an RP Exclusicve Family, only Members of the RP, the illustrator of the crest, and the writer of the description may have one.

RP Thread: http://magistream.com/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=60190


1st Generation (1)