Narwhal of Death Family Crest

The Narwhal of Death Family

Creator: Hanners
Owner: Hanners

Members: 6

The Narwhals of Death are the sworn enemies of the OMG LIZURDs. In order to keep the peace between these two families, I am forced to keep them in separate tabs.

The Narwhals of Death used to be peaceful fish... dolphin... things... They were nice to all of the creatures in my keep, and were considered the greatest narwhals in existence. Until the OMG LIZURDs came into my keep. The OMG LIZURDs' beautiful colors caught all of the other creatures' attention, thus leaving the Narwhals of Death very lonely. Angry, the Narwhals of Death swore that they would get their revenge on the OMG LIZURDs. I am trying my best to keep them separate, but I'm not sure if my tab can last much longer...


1st Generation (4)