Bookwyrm Family Crest

The Bookwyrm Family

Creator: Jeni
Owner: The_PrincessCat

Members: 13

As per request from Jeni, The_PrincessCat is the current caretaker of this lineage.
Please follow the rules ^.^

1) No Inbreeding
2) No Duplicate Names
3) Name them, and do so in a way that makes sense to the lineage. Don't name it 'Bob Bookwyrm'. Please have it have something to do with books, learning, or the like. Any questions can be directed towards The_PrincessCat.
4) No breeding w/other lineages
5) DO NOT RELEASE A BABY (send it back to The_PrincessCat please!)
6) DO NOT FREEZE! This makes me very VERY sad T.T


1st Generation (3)

2nd Generation (5)

3rd Generation (3)