de Jehanna Family Crest

The de Jehanna Family

Creator: Piney
Owner: Piney

Members: 32

From the barren desert of Jehanna came two mighty weapons.
The sacred ice blade Audhulma, who shielded her people with her frosty touch.
And the sacred wind magic Excalibur, who quickened his people with his stormy gusts.
These mythical treasures passed their legacy along the royal lineage,
Producing mighty heirs such as the Queen of the White Dunes
And the Tempest King.

If you have the strength and willpower to produce a kingdom from an empty desert,
The Sacred Twins of Jehanna may grant you some of their power.

Crest by neoseptem!


1st Generation (10)

2nd Generation (10)

3rd Generation (7)

4th Generation (3)