Wind Rider Family Crest

The Wind Rider Family

Creator: Imperialism

Members: 32

The Wind Riders are a family of hippogryphs straight out of legend. No one is quite sure how they came to be, with the progenitors showing no parents, no pegasi or ice gryphon blood. Highly sought after for their unique lineage, they nest high in the northernmost peaks of the Alasre Mountains, their luminescent blue and white coats blending into the snowcaps of the mountains bordering icy Arkene. Only the most dedicated and generous of magi will find themselves with one of these as a companion. When at their magi's keep they love to lay about on the parapet at the top of the tallest tower, watching all below while sunning themselves lazily. Come moonrise you can easily see them lifting into the sky, a shadowy silhouette against the moon.

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1st Generation (16)

2nd Generation (7)

3rd Generation (7)