is a Loyal Friend Family Crest

The is a Loyal Friend Family

Creator: Manx
Owner: Manx

Members: 24

Shaman- This is my own dog, and has been with me for a very long time. She is now 13 and a half years old. Unfortnately, sha passed away on September 6, 2010. RIP Shaman Dog....

Hatchie- This is a famous Akita dog who was extremely loyal to his owner. His owner died away from home, and every day he would wait for him to come home, though he never did.

Do not inbreed
No manticore blood, this is a wolf lineage only
Do not freeze eggs, but if you had a loyal friend that was a puppy, then I'm ok with freezing pups.
Do not sell - Would you sell your Loyal Friend??? If anything, gift the off-spring
Name after a loyal dog that you have had, or have. If you have had none, then name after a famous loyal dog - Example- Lassie
If and when a Albino is born into this lineage, Do Not Use For Quests!

If you no longer want your Loyal Friend, please either gift away or send it back to me.



1st Generation (8)

2nd Generation (8)

3rd Generation (6)