Wings of Hope Family Crest

The Wings of Hope Family

Creator: Raven
Owner: Raven

Members: 42

On a cliff I stand
with darkness coming up behind me
I look out over the ocean
and take flight on the wings of hope.

This is a line of Awareness and doesn't only speak for Cancer.
There are many types of Disease. One reason I chose to use Awareness Ribbons for the crest.

My daughter has Autism/Aspberger Syndrome. "Rainbow puzzle ribbon"
On top of that she is ADHD/ADD "purple ribbon"

When I made the cancer spoiler on my profile I've had a huge response from others who also have/had loved one's that faced such a horrible disease.

WOH's first egged 7-01-10 with "Love" FROZEN forever

I chose the Gryphon as they are noble, majestic creatures.
They come in many colors. Other winged pets can also be bred into the line to create more
Wings of Hope.
Do as you must and breed hope into Magi.

If you would like to adopt one of these special creatures please PM me.

I only ask that you keep them safe and to ALWAYS be free!!! even if not bred by me.


1st Generation (16)

2nd Generation (13)

3rd Generation (7)

4th Generation (2)

5th Generation (2)