is Mispelt Family Crest

The is Mispelt Family

Creator: Raine
Owner: Raine

Members: 6

Once upon a time, there was a little Phoenix who was supposed to be named "Flare." Unfortunately, Raine accidentally pressed 'confirm' too soon and she'd misspelt the name that the Phoenix was supposed to have.

And that's how the idea for the 'is Mispelt' family was born. A mate with an equally silly and badly spelled name was found for her, so she wasn't the only one anymore. Even the family name is spelled wrong!

Please name any babies with a wrongly spelled name- swap two letters around or omit one completely! Just make sure the name is still recognisable. Feel free to breed Gryphons and Hippogryphs into the lineage- so long as their names are misspelt slightly!

Shadowcreepr, my Telvian Panther, is an honourary family member, since his name suffered the same 'hit confirm too soon' fate.


1st Generation (2)

2nd Generation (1)

3rd Generation (1)