Akasaki Family Crest

The Akasaki Family

Creator: Kinkajou
Owner: Kinkajou

Members: 3

The Akasaki family blazes with the radiance and beauty of fire. It is difficult to earn the trust of an Akasaki, but once you have it, you'll never lose it. Akasakis will do whatever it takes to protect what they hold dear. They have fierce tempers and an even fiercer sense of justice, and their tongues are sharp enough to scar steel. The principles of an Akasaki are simple enough: protection, loyalty, faith, strength, and courage. An Akasaki has the ferocity of fire to burn your enemies and the gentle warmth of fire to lull you to sleep every night.

Akasaki= "Red Cape" in Japanese
Nemo nisi mors= "No One But Death" in Latin

Chevron (the shield)= Protection, faithful service
Red= Military strength
Black= Constancy, grief
Silver= Sincerity, peace
Gold= Generosity
Gryphon= Vigilance


1st Generation (1)