Demonfire Family Crest

The Demonfire Family

Creator: SilentPsycho
Owner: SilentPsycho

Members: 6

Black Dogs are a whole class of monstrous, canine apparitions prevalent in English and Scottish lore and are described as huge dogs, roughly the size of a calf, covered in thick, shaggy black hair and with glowing red eyes. These apparitions appear at places that serve as transition archetypes, places such as lonely county rounds, ancient highways, bridges, crossroads, and shallowed entrances. More often than not, if you leave a Black Dog alone, it will not bother you; but if you attempt to harm one, the consequences are dire. Indeed, in much folklore that describes these creatures, to see one is portent of death, though there have been purported instances of Black Dogs guiding lost travelers to safety. Black Dogs are also associated with fire - specifically, the flames surrounding the hound, and the presence of scorched earth and/or claw marks burned into wood or metal left in the beast’s wake.

It just seemed right to name my two after famous Black Dogs.


1st Generation (3)

2nd Generation (1)