BunnyKiller Family Crest

The BunnyKiller Family

Creator: Ruffian75
Owner: Ruffian75

Members: 6

"Cehual boars ... delight in running through anything they can...The usual obstacles they encounter are rabbits...which these boars are more than happy to run down."

Meet the BUNNYKILLER Family.

Wanted for mass wanton murder of poor, innocent Jackalopes (enter mourning Bunnies Stage Left).

These personifications of evil and nasty have a bounty on their heads as high as Master Belmos and Thane and Azazel can set it. The reward for their capture, Dead or Alive (preferably Very Dead), is indeed so high younger Magi have been disciplined for trying to hunt this pair--and their Clan--down rather than attend to their studies and/or other creatures.

Not that hunting this Poisonous Pork on the Hoof down does much good: These Porcines from Hades can literally disappear in plain sight. All to the misery of many a Magi and/or Creatures who then find out that these Lagomorph Mashers can be just as "effective" on other creatures who dare to get in their way.


1st Generation (3)

2nd Generation (1)