WhitePaw Family Crest

The WhitePaw Family

Creator: DangerousWolf
Owner: DangerousWolf

Members: 28

1. do NOT freeze the offspring
2. do NOT release an Offspring if you dont need it send it too me
3. do NOT cross breed any of my Lineage
4. do NOT inbreed an offspring
5. do NOT breed it with other Species

The Whitepaws are alone, they do take care of themselfe as a Family, but do never let theyre Offspring alone.If they find an Egg, lost in the Forest, they do take care of it, they also give hatchlings a new home if they where lost from theyre Parents.
They Protect their little place, where they sleep and do take care of theyr offspring, with abrasively and theyr is always one to protect it.


1st Generation (18)

2nd Generation (8)