Cloud Family Crest

The Cloud Family

Creator: Erika
Owner: stealthxstar

Members: 12

Lore, ecstatic over finding the two jungle cats went back to her keep with the two. The other cats, however, were not happy. Especially the white cats, how could some mangy cats bring their Lore so much happiness? While flying, Spider saw the jungle cats were sleeping on his owner's bed, he ripped around, tearing off a few black leaves off the magical tree by the window. Perhaps letting one of the black leaves fall into the windowsill would persuade Lore to get rid of the strange cats? When he woke up the next morning his mate, Kumo was hissing at him. he quickly found out that Lore had named them "Blackleaf." Hope of getting rid of the cats flew out the window as Spider took off, to fly forevermore to escape the new mangy cats. Kumo took off with him, trying to reason, while the other cats went off to get Lore to bring back Kumo. Lore took off on a Pegasus to find Spider in the clouds. She finally persuaded him down, with the promise of giving him the last name Cloud.


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (4)

3rd Generation (1)

4th Generation (1)