DarkStorm Clan Family Crest

The DarkStorm Clan Family

Creator: SCFox2620
Owner: SCFox2620

Members: 8

As you walk through the keep you come upon a door, cracked just the slightest bit open. You have been to this part of the keep before and are very confused. The Magi that stays in this part of the keep is way. You decide to enter, worried about something or someone where they are not suppose to be. Two pair of heterochromatic eyes stares at you from the sun warmed windowsill. They seem to be studying you, judging you. What for? You can’t be sure. You know the owner of this particular section is rather odd. In the end you decide to leave, there is no one there but the two winged cats. As you leave you feel their eye bore in to you as the shut the door. A couple of days later a beautiful winged cat hatchling appears at your door.

-If you do not want the gift sell it or return it please.
-No inbreeding please.
-People who release will be black listed.


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (2)