the Fisherman Family Crest

The the Fisherman Family

Creator: ellysketchit

Members: 2

The "the Fisherman"... *slaps head* GAH.

John is a male Ocean Leviathan with parents: male tropical named Poseidon and a female pure storm named Hurricane are his folks. He was born on January 13, 2010 after exactly seven unsuccessful attempts by Elly to breed a male Ocean Levi (every other time I got a darned female). His favorite color is purple (Els' hair shade) and his favorite food is vanilla ice cream with chunks of herring mixed in it. John got his name from a song by the band Primus called, aptly enough, "John the Fisherman".

He mated with an Ocean Leviathan named Jenn that rather mysteriously disappeared right after the egg was settled in the warm sands around the Keep. Try as he might, he could not hatch the egg and it eventually froze. Despite this he keeps this egg with him and considers it his family - besides Elly, of course.


1st Generation (1)