Lightning Runner Family Crest

The Lightning Runner Family

Creator: GenericDragon
Owner: GenericDragon

Members: 20

For more than a thousand years, the ancient gods of old would take the form of mortal creatures to watch upon the earth. Even long after the belief in them had died out. And now, the two patron gods of the Roman pantheon--Juno and Jupiter, who take many names--have taken the form of Direwolves. They now have a family, large and diverse, and of all ages. They are the Protectors. The Seers. The Watchers.

They are the Lighting Runners.

Frozen Eggs and Hatchlings allowed; even encouraged. The Lightning Runners take all forms.
Outer-species breeding encouraged. Bring on the chimera and manticore!
This family has a naming scheme. All names should be of different mythological pantheons. Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Celtic, Norse. They're all welcome.
Do not sell the offspring. If you no longer want it, send it back to me [GenericDragon]. Only gift them out.


1st Generation (8)

2nd Generation (5)

3rd Generation (2)

4th Generation (2)

5th Generation (1)