Takri Family Crest

The Takri Family

Creator: ape
Owner: ape

Members: 4

A pretty little rewin hatchling, as pure as any, sat resting under a tree near the stream. Her Mistress kept close watch as a royal male hatchling took interest in her. Years passed and the two grew fonder of one another. Almuerzo, the handsome dragon that the Mistress found on a quest fell in love with the little purebred, and asked her to be his lifelong mate. She accepted. They began a family that was named Takri, which is Rewin tounge for "Light Bringer".
But one day quite recently, the all the Rewins ran away to their native home. Something had stirred them. Their precious crystal had stirred them. After much trouble, the Mistress reunited them crystal with the stone from whence it came. Suddenly the dragons increased in size and strength. Pancake's beloved mate was transformed into an Ancient, and now he is a loner and a cold-blooded hunter. She rarely sees him. But the family will continue with her sons.


1st Generation (1)

2nd Generation (1)