Pie Family Crest

The Pie Family

Creator: SwnyTddObsd
Owner: SwnyTddObsd

Members: 84

With a name like Pie and a creature variability as great as the Capricorns', how could one resist naming them Pie? So many possibilities - so few actual breeding acceptances! One can't rush a good Pie, I guess?

Crest credit to Jeff Jacques, who writes and draws Questionable Content
Breeding help: Swho, ritadragons, Koishi, wingsofsilver, Crazyflight :D Ily guys.

No releasing, please. I can't do anything to force you, but... please? ;v;
I don’t care about inbreeding. Just expand the lineage! The Internet is a fun place to try and find interesting pie names, too!


1st Generation (7)

2nd Generation (12)

3rd Generation (13)

4th Generation (18)

5th Generation (19)

6th Generation (9)

7th Generation (4)