Maddie Family Crest

The Maddie Family

Creator: Astra1989
Owner: Sinh

Members: 35

"These kraken took the name Madd in admiration to all the hard work she does and to help build a multi armed army to help her do more...or end up making her do more work..."

family number 2482 not a very special number but hey lets make that number the first goal number of members everyone breed like crazy just no breeding with relatives please!! And spread the love!! ((meaning not for gold profit))
Lets show Madd how much we love and care for her!!

RULES: name must be a verb or action you wish to do to Madd aka ____ Madd as in you want to do that something to Madd


Progenitor (2)

1st Generation (15)

2nd Generation (12)

3rd Generation (4)

4th Generation (1)