Adore Family Crest

The Adore Family

Creator: Swho
Owner: Swho

Members: 14

Once, this pair were young lovers -human mages-living simply in a simple town. The Duchess, a powerful magician herself, took a shine to the handsome wizard. But he refused her, saying that he loved another, and could love no other. Outraged, she cursed them|So strong was her jealousy that a violent storm hit the town. Home ablaze, the young girl became trapped under debris. As her love clawed at the rubble desperate to get her free, as she took her last breathes, she made a simple, gentle wish|May you live a long, happy life. May we meet and love again|So it was. Though tormented by his lost love, the boy had a full long life, until he lay on his deathbed and bid his lover to come. Eyes closed, he did not feel the embrace of death, No-the embrace of new life|Since, the lovers have reunited in different forms. For every moment they suffered at the hands of the jealous witch, they have been repaid tenfold. Now, on the 500th generation, they are reborn as the rabbits of Valentines.


1st Generation (10)

2nd Generation (1)

3rd Generation (1)