Faraway Family Crest

The Faraway Family

Creator: pies
Owner: pies

Members: 60

The Faraways guard saplings, planting seeds when the night falls to ensure that the forests continue forever. They care for trees and replant where trees have been lost. Many a forest has been saved due to their dedication and hard work. They can appear anywhere, throughout all the seasons, and seeing one is considered good luck, especially for plant-based magi. Nobody knows where they live, however, hence the name “Faraway”.

Family rules

No releasing


1st Generation (11)

2nd Generation (12)

3rd Generation (7)

4th Generation (8)

5th Generation (7)

6th Generation (6)

7th Generation (3)

8th Generation (1)

9th Generation (1)

10th Generation (1)

11th Generation (1)