WinterPride Family Crest

The WinterPride Family

Creator: sidsel
Owner: DragonflyFae

Members: 28

As of 27 June 2012 ... By accepting this creature, you agree not to inbreed with the belle elk, to name the elk, and to carry on the lineage as desired. Furthermore, you agree to give away, as gifts, all offspring and will never sell, trade, or auction the offspring. Edit to add the following on 10/10/16: And, you agree not to freeze an egg or a hatchling. (Unfortunately, one in the lineage has been frozen as an egg. this egg belongs to Ashardalon.)

Solstice Delight, the progenitor buck, originally belonged to MagiSidsel, and Xaria, the progenitor doe, to DragonflyFae. The two were joined to create the WinterPride lineage, which has flourished since.

Any questions? Direct them via pm to DragonflyFae.

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (11)

2nd Generation (10)

3rd Generation (4)

4th Generation (1)