of the Tidesages Family Crest

The of the Tidesages Family

Creator: Corvus
Owner: Corvus

Members: 3

As a great vessel pulls into port at the city of Turril, a flash of blue appears at its side. A man on deck tosses something into the waves, and the shadow of a great best below the water turns, graceful and ominous, and swims back out to sea.

The Tidesage line has been guiding ships for centuries, and few set sail without one. Longtime seafarers developed a pact with these Capricorn, one that makes use of the beasts’ ability to command the ocean’s currents. Sailors say it's the will of the “Tidemother” that gives them their powers, but none truly know what She is. Regardless, Tidesages are said to be able to navigate storms, withstand dangerous seas, and even direct winds into a vessel’s sails. While many now deem it all superstition, few boats guarded by Tidesages have ever sunk, even in the roughest seas.

Lately, though, some seem to have offered their allegiance to a much darker force...

(Based on the Tidesages from World of Warcraft)

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (1)