The Journey Begins Family Crest

The The Journey Begins Family

Creator: Fretti
Owner: Fretti

Members: 143

The first step leading you into the Keep - right into the world of the Magi - is most likely the hardest. It is a step connected to new experiences and, hopefully, new friends. But this step also needs courage and passion for a new life that now lies in front of you.
Fortunately, you do not have to take this step alone; you smile at the faithful Gryphon at your side, a descendant of Herzlich and Willkommen -Be and Welcome- who was sent to you to deliver the message of his parents - and to make you feel at home in this new world.


Der erste Schritt in die Welt der Magi ist ohne Zweifel der Schwierigste. Von ihm haengen viele neue Erfahrungen und, hoffentlich, neue Freundschaften ab - doch er benoetigt auch viel Mut.
Zum Glueck musst du diesen Schritt nicht alleine machen. Du laechelst zu dem Greifen an deiner Seite, dem Kind von Herzlich und Willkommen, der mit einer Botschaft seiner Eltern zu dir gesandt wurde und dir ein kleines Stueck Heimat mit auf den Weg geben soll.


1st Generation (16)

2nd Generation (63)

Gracia The Journey Begins
Gracia The Journey Begins
Suko The Journey Begins
Suko The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
Black Night The Journey Begins
Black Night The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
Hermione The Journey Begins
Hermione The Journey Begins
ratoro The Journey Begins
ratoro The Journey Begins
Gryphonia The Journey Begins
Gryphonia The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
Griffonia The Journey Begins
Griffonia The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
Ilenia The Journey Begins
Ilenia The Journey Begins
Mephisto The Journey Begins
Mephisto The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
Lights Joy The Journey Begins
Lights Joy The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
Now The Journey Begins
Now The Journey Begins
Selura The Journey Begins
Selura The Journey Begins
Dogmaela The Journey Begins
Dogmaela The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
Goldy The Journey Begins
Goldy The Journey Begins
Caranada The Journey Begins
Caranada The Journey Begins
Fletch The Journey Begins
Fletch The Journey Begins
Herzlich The Journey Begins
Herzlich The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
Geisterherz The Journey Begins
Geisterherz The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
Silverwing The Journey Begins
Silverwing The Journey Begins
Kira The Journey Begins
Kira The Journey Begins
Fretti The Journey Begins
Fretti The Journey Begins
Firewing The Journey Begins
Firewing The Journey Begins
Finally The Journey Begins
Finally The Journey Begins
Lamel The Journey Begins
Lamel The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
Sonnenstrahl The Journey Begins
Sonnenstrahl The Journey Begins
KiraLove The Journey Begins
KiraLove The Journey Begins
Tayr The Journey Begins
Tayr The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
Hilde Naumann The Journey Begins
Hilde Naumann The Journey Begins
Lunalux The Journey Begins
Lunalux The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
Askan The Journey Begins
Askan The Journey Begins
Nordlicht The Journey Begins
Nordlicht The Journey Begins
Staubfeder The Journey Begins
Staubfeder The Journey Begins
Braunfeder The Journey Begins
Braunfeder The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
Blaufeder The Journey Begins
Blaufeder The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins

3rd Generation (34)

Seidenschnabel The Journey Begins
Seidenschnabel The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
Golden Hunter The Journey Begins
Golden Hunter The Journey Begins
Seidenschnabel The Journey Begins
Seidenschnabel The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
Brightheart The Journey Begins
Brightheart The Journey Begins
Frederiz The Journey Begins
Frederiz The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
Daybreak's Glory The Journey Begins
Daybreak's Glory The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
William The Journey Begins
William The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
Sunrise The Journey Begins
Sunrise The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins
unnamed The Journey Begins

4th Generation (19)

5th Generation (8)

6th Generation (1)