Wonderful Family Crest

The Wonderful Family

Creator: UkiNeko
Owner: UkiNeko

Members: 3

The Wonderfuls, Kollinus' family.
As of 05/11/20, the population of Kollinus is 4424.
"Everyone deserves a Kollinus!" - that's what UkiNeko says when a player asks her "why did you gave me this-"
happily and with a big smile on her face.

Murzik and Pushinka (two of the standard russian cat names) Wonderful is a two fluffy, cute Kollinus and family founders, they're always ready to show you their beautiful and handsome children.

They live in their small city, every christmas they send letters around the world and congratulate everyone.

Mr. Murzik (Murz Majestic) is one of Ms. Lastochka and Mr. Korzhik Majestic's children, and the founder of the city.
note: back in 2019 i didn't wanted to make a family for them so this is his unofficial surname.

Family rules

No egg freezing


1st Generation (1)