Undomiel Family Crest

The Undomiel Family

Creator: RiverStorm
Owner: RiverStorm

Members: 4

Okay, I screwed up the progenitor names, but the family still takes its name from Arwen Undomiel of Lord of the Rings. The name Undomiel means evenstar, which seemed like a beautiful name, and one that was appropriate for such a beautiful creature as the white pegasus. These Undomiel pegasi shine like evening stars against the night sky, earning them their name.

If you want a lineage baby, please PM me. No releasing/inbreeding etc (come on, who wants to see their babies released or otherwise made a mess of?), and please don't crossbreed with dark/pinto pegasi. We want to keep this white like the starlight. If you can, please give them a Tolkienesque elven name. There are Quenya and Sindarin name generators out there, or there are names that you can snaffle from the books. If we really struggle to find elven names, then names in Irish or Scots Gaelic will fit nicely, as do other names. If you're unsure though, ask! I don't bite.


1st Generation (1)

2nd Generation (1)