Winterclan Family Crest

The Winterclan Family

Creator: FluffyJo
Owner: FluffyJo

Members: 16

Deep, deep in the Snowy Forest, live the cats of Winterclan. Known for their bravery, creativity and intelligence. Located deep in a Snowy Forest, the flooring was all snow, surrounded with lots of trees. It's located next to Deerclan, separated by an icy river. Most of Winterclan cats have long, fluffy fur to keep them warm from their habitat climate. Most have white and black fur. White to blend perfectly with the snow and Black to blend with the shadow. The clan's main prey are rabbits, hares, birds and fishes.

Added Rules:
- Please name them with a Warriors-based name (Try to fit their pelt colors, but not necessary).
- If you froze a Hatchling, name them with "kit" or "paw" on the end of their name.
- Don't name them with "star" on the end of their name, it's only for the Leader (Progenitor).

Family rules

No egg freezing
No releasing


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (8)

3rd Generation (1)

4th Generation (1)