Thankyou Family Crest

The Thankyou Family

Creator: slicing
Owner: slicing

Members: 11

These sweeties are bred as gifts for those who have been generous or nice to me.

If you receive one of these members, you may breed them if you wish to GIVE to others.
If you breed one, you must name it after the person you are giving it to.
No inbreeding.
Please do not freeze eggs (UNLESS you are freezing it at 100% and GIVING it to ZzelaBusya). Freezing hatchlings is acceptable.
Do not release any members.
Do not use any for profit; that defeats the lineage's purpose.
If you don't want your baby please return them to me.
Any type of agaori is okay.

If I gift you one and you'd rather the hatchling be of a specific gender (e.g your own), you are welcome to ask for me to breed you one of the gender you prefer. Otherwise, I will just gift you a random gender.


1st Generation (3)

2nd Generation (3)

3rd Generation (1)

4th Generation (2)