Omit Darkness Family Crest

The Omit Darkness Family

Creator: Zyker
Owner: Zyker

Members: 5

With the progenitors of Dark Moon and Silver Fog, this family of gryphons is very close. They are often found on the cliffs with their young and their mates. As usual, there are Magi who want to own a gryphon from this family, which will come with a price, and definitely consequences for breaking the rules.
1. No freezing eggs or hatchlings
2. No releasing any creatures
3. No reselling any creatures
4. No renaming any creatures that already have a name
1. You will be blacklisted
2. You will have 1k added to your order to every shop I have
3. I will ignore your PMs


1st Generation (2)

2nd Generation (1)