McReagan Family Crest

The McReagan Family

Creator: nataliagrass7442
Owner: duskfall

Members: 39

The McReagan clan is a proud, loyal pack that are incredibly tightly knit and slightly secretive. This clans only downfall could ever be their vanity. They pride themselves immensely on their pure white coats, carrying themselves as royaly and shunning all others, believing themselves a Superior species. When a brown pup was born into their familoy it was immediately outcast into the world no matter the age, the only exception being hamish, the pup of the progenitors, due to their status in the pack.
Although it seems incredibly cruel it is the way of their pack and the way it has been for them as long as they can remember.

1.Try not to freeze, its your choice really but try.
2.Yes you can interbreed however you want unless you decide not to be a rebel :)
3.Send any unwante wolves to me cause i always have room!

Other than that just have fun however you want!


1st Generation (7)

2nd Generation (12)

3rd Generation (12)

4th Generation (5)

5th Generation (1)