Sepherin Family Crest

The Sepherin Family

Creator: oceanfrost
Owner: oceanfrost

Members: 11

The Sepherin (pronounced SEHF-ERIYN) family name is derived from the Greek work "Seferino", meaning "west wind", and in turn derived from "zephros". This name was chosen among other names because I thought of the hippocampi as swift swimmers, traveling North-West when migrating from the Callisto Islands to Arkene.

This family is formed by the progenitors Veldaira and Enthrisen, both of whom are the oldest of the blue hippocampi in my keep.

Veldaira roughly translates to "melody of the plains", while Enthrisen holds the meaning of "the rising storm".


1st Generation (6)

2nd Generation (2)

3rd Generation (1)