of the Shadowfoxes Family Crest

The of the Shadowfoxes Family

Creator: hikariangelwings
Owner: hikariangelwings

Members: 13

We are the family of the Shadow foxes:
We stalk the night and live by darkness,
the shadows are our home,
Our kingdom is build on bones and fear,
in legends do we roam

Lineage Rules:
1) No inbreeding or breeding with other lineages (Only breed with Un-lineaged Stream-borns)
2) No freezing or releasing. If you don't want it then give it back to me or give it to Master Belmos to raise
*If you don't want one of the eggs freeze it and send it to Master Belmos. I don't want any Released/permanently frozen creatures on here.
3) Names must be appropriate. Try to make them as eloquent as possible or shadow/darkness related.
4) Please breed these creatures, I want this family to grow


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (4)

3rd Generation (3)