of the Darkwood Pack Family Crest

The of the Darkwood Pack Family

Creator: Agentofthe1Truth
Owner: Agentofthe1Truth

Members: 11

The Darkwood Pack was founded by the Alphas Moria and Haldyn in a quiet area of secluded forest. The trees were tall and ancient, blocking the sun from reaching the ground below. There the two decided they would hunt and make a pack, naming their new family for the darkness of their woodland home.

Only Manticores, Dire Wolves, Ibex, and their hybrids may be members of this pack.
There is to be no inbreeding.
Eggs are never to be frozen.
Hatchlings are okay to freeze.
Do not release any of these. Return them to me, or give them to another player if you no longer want them.
Name all family members - preferably something fitting to their family name.


1st Generation (7)

2nd Generation (2)