of Freedom Flyers Family Crest

The of Freedom Flyers Family

Creator: Ivan
Owner: Ivan

Members: 10

The Freedom Flyers are a group of valiant birds, and are always proud to show off their brightly colored plumage. These feathers, when you place both varieties together, are red, white, and blue. Samuel and Liberty are two beautiful creatures born on Independence Day, and though their children wish to have such patriotic hatching-days, they're proud to simply fly high along with their parents.

Should I decide to gift the Freedom Flyers, please keep these recommendations in mind.
Do not freeze them as eggs.
Do not inbreed them.
Do not release them.
Please do your best to name them something Patriotic. (Naming them for one of the states works too- Just make sure there isn't already another member named after that state already)
If you no longer want them, either sell them, gift them, or send them back to me.


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (2)

3rd Generation (2)