Ols Family Crest

The Ols Family

Creator: PKGriffin
Owner: PKGriffin

Members: 11

The Ols are a well-respected family infused with powerful magic and tradition. Though not royal or powerful in influence, they are revered among the other old families. The tendency for Ols to delve in magic is nothing new; the progenitors of the line were powerful sorcerers who avidly invented new spells and potions. One of their grandchildren was said to have been so prolific of a magical prodigy, that he ensured that his descendants would always have magical skills by mixing his blood with a form of pure magic. Whatever the case may be, all Ols members are born with a magical ability, varying in power and trait, but clearly defined as a benign curse. The family crest is that of a skeletal owl, the symbol of magic, enigma, night, and the forest. Owls seem to play a large part in the lives of the Ols, for many of their descendants have the power to take the form of owls, especially Tylluans.


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (5)