Solarious Family Crest

The Solarious Family

Creator: Silvereil
Owner: Silvereil

Members: 10


In a land far away, there is a balance. Sun and Moon, sky and earth, things like that. There were two families of Solar Hippogryphs that were mortal enemies. However, their son and daughter met in secret and fell in love. After many years of fighting, the families found out their childrens' loves and peace was made. To honor this and create a pact that would remind the family of their peace, the two lovers created a family, the Solarious family, as a reminder of the peace that would be forever between the two families.

Notes: (Please Read)

~ Only Solar Hippogryphs, Fire Gryphons, and Phoenixes
~ If not wanted, send to Master Belmos or Silvereil
~ Enjoy your hippogryph!

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (3)