Pack Of Knight Family Crest

The Pack Of Knight Family

Creator: Xanga

Members: 5

You walk down the dusty path, you've been walking for days across the dusty forest. Coming to a river you run to the waters edge, viscously sipping at the cool clear water. You look up to see a large brown wolf, the size of a full grown horse. He stares at you with calm, gentle eyes, "What is it you are searching for?" he asks his voice deep and scratchy. You tremble with fear, all the stories of horse sized dire wolves eating magi alive. "I...I... I'm out here looking for," you pause why would you need to tell this mutt why you were out here? Think quickly you come up with a little white lie. "I'm out here looking for this stream, I've found it so I'll be leaving now." The wolf put both paws down one by one roaring, he snapped at the air. "You dare lie to me, have you no idea who I am. What I am?!" his lips were pulled back in a snarl. W.I.P


1st Generation (3)