Swifthoof Family Crest

The Swifthoof Family

Creator: Silvereil
Owner: Silvereil

Members: 21

There was a deep, dark forest that no one ever dared to enter. They were all too afraid. But all this forest contained was deer. There were many types of deer, the most common being the brown Cervinus deer. There were also black ones and white ones as well. These deer were known for being swift and fast as well as graceful, so few ever caught a glimpse of them, much less been able to hunt them. Two particular deer came together to form an unusual pair. One was a black male, the other a white female. When the humans finally dared to enter, they found the pair. Having seen a flash of black and white as the deer fled, they named the couple Swifthoof. And so, the Swifthoof family started.

Notes: (Please Read)

~ Deer only
~ If not wanted, send to Master Belmos or Silvereil

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (11)

2nd Generation (6)

3rd Generation (2)