of Warrior Cats Family Crest

The of Warrior Cats Family

Creator: BlameRose
Owner: BlameRose

Members: 39

Describtion comes soon^^

- no inbreed, no freezing
- do not realease them! give them back to me
- you can keep single kittys as hatchis (NO FREEZING!)
- name your your kitty after a character from Warrior Cats (you can find the english names here http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090409175027AAFMpHE
and german/english here http://www.warriorcats.de/staffel1/show/Startseite and here http://www.warriorcats.de/staffel2/show/Startseite
if you are not sure you can PM me and ask^^
- it is allowed to name one kitty with the german name and an other with the english name e.g. Tigerclaw and Tigerkralle
- you can also name your kitty after a name you created e.g. Raintail, Moonrain and so on

Help me to create the biggest catclan here in magistream^^ The progenitors are named after the first 2 clans the tigerclan and the lionclan, so tiger and lion(e) (with e it sounds female)^^


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (12)

3rd Generation (21)