the secret Gardener Family Crest

The the secret Gardener Family

Creator: Monty
Owner: Monty

Members: 14

You walk though you Garden and enjoy the Silence and the good smell of the Flowers. As you sit down on your bench you suddenly hear a noise. Something is moving under the Flowers. You think it,s a Bee but as you stand up to look you see a little Group of red and green beetles. You can´t believe it. They are using magic to let grow your fresh-plant Flowers. Two of them notice you and fly up to your face. "So you have managed it to find us, yeah." asks one the Beetles. "Dont answer. It wasn´t a question." says the other.
"We are the secret Gardeners. Without our help you wouldnt have a Garden like this."

-no freezing
-no releasing
-no Inbreed
-name them after kinds of Beetles or Flowers


1st Generation (9)

2nd Generation (3)