Flamaria Family Crest

The Flamaria Family

Creator: Silvereil
Owner: Silvereil

Members: 20


There was a royal family long ago in the ancient kingdom of Phoenixes. This family was the Flamaria Family. They were proud and royal. All the phoenixes of the kingdom respected them. The rulers from the family were great rulers, making decisions based on what was best for their kingdom. They only declared war when necessary and treated everyone fair. There were no slaves or anything. No ranks. Even they themselves considered themselves as one of the common folk. After a war with a neighboring kingdom of Ice Phoenixes, the kingdom fell and they went into hiding. Now, years later, the family has reappeared. Not royal like they used to be, but still well-respected.

Notes: (Please Read)

~ Fire Phoenixes only
~ Do not sell your phoenix; only re-gift them or send them to Master Belmos
~ Enjoy your Phoenix!

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (10)

2nd Generation (7)

3rd Generation (1)