of the Purebreeds Family Crest

The of the Purebreeds Family

Creator: EvilDeath66X
Owner: EvilDeath66X

Members: 5

This is a lineage of ONLY purebred Ice Gryphons
Do not breed your Purebreed with any Ice Phoenixes, Gryphons, or Pegasus
1. Name them-It looks sloppy, and altogether bad if the lineage consists of a bunch of unnamed creatures. Please also capitalize them.
2. Give them names with ancient origins. You may also give it names according to fictional languages, such as elven, dwarven...
3. Since there IS such strict breeding choices, I understand if some inbreeding is required to keep the lineage going.
4. No Freezing-I do not want frozen eyesores, like eggs and hatchlings, cluttering up the tree.
5. If you do freeze a creature, send it to me, or to Master Belmos.(That is where I will send it anyway)
6. No Releasing-This is just wrong, this is the equivalent to throwing your new baby in a dumpster on prom night.
7. Whenever you visit the family page, please give the family some love and click the little babies.


1st Generation (3)