Mirrorserpent Family Crest

The Mirrorserpent Family

Creator: Drachenschwinge
Owner: Drachenschwinge

Members: 20

Every creature enters "The Land of Dreams" or the "Mirrorworld" while sleeping. These creatures are the guardians of that world and thus they are the only living creatures that are able to enter the "Mirrorworld" while they are awake. They use mirrors to pass the boundary between the two worlds. Although they are the guardians of Mirrorworld that doesn't mean they are kind and friendly creatures. Some are evil and sneaky and they cause nightmares and love to distress the dreaming. Those evil guardians see the dreaming as inrtuders and want to scare them away.

-NAME your Quetzal :D The name must have a DASH! Need help? Look here http://rinkworks.com/namegen/fnames.cgi?d=1&f=9

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (10)

2nd Generation (5)

3rd Generation (2)

4th Generation (1)