of the Gold Pickaxe Family Crest

The of the Gold Pickaxe Family

Creator: ArkaiGuy
Owner: ArkaiGuy

Members: 4

It was a cold, stormy evening. There was a miner mining in a private gold mine. He has been mining there for 9 years in search of gold. He was told a story of riches, how on that very spot, is suppose to be blessed with gold. In the 9 years, had not found any gold. He was mining, when he found a cave. He saw a light across the corner of the cave, he went to go check it out. The light turned out to be a gleaming gold pick-axe. For the next 3 years he mined, he found so much gold, he became greedy. The so-called "Gold Wyrms" put a curse on him, and finding gold was bad luck for him. He found 5 pounds of gold in the next 6 years, then one day the curse kicked in. Him himself became a gold pickaxe, and he found out the one he found was another cursed magi. Him, and the other cursed female magi eventually became Gold Wyrms to teach other greedy magi a lesson. But that is not what they did. They made a family, and THIS is how this family became what it is.


1st Generation (2)